Member: Anneka N. Johns        #6059579   Zone 8

2024 Outreach Season

Outreach Hunter 2'6" - Zone 8

No. Class Show Horse Place Entries Points  
38 Low Adult 2'6 Hunter O/F 1046 EHS May 05.17.24 I'Ll Fly With You 6 9 0.50
39 Low Adult 2'6 Hunter O/F 1046 EHS May 05.17.24 I'Ll Fly With You 4 9 2.00
29 2'6 Open Hunter O/F 1047 EHS June 06.28.24 I'Ll Fly With You 3 4 4.00
39 Outreach Low Adult Hunter O/F 1047 EHS June 06.28.24 I'Ll Fly With You 4 6 2.00
27 2'6 Open Hunter U/S 1047 EHS June 06.28.24 I'Ll Fly With You 3 4 4.00
28 2'6 Open Hunter O/F 1047 EHS June 06.28.24 I'Ll Fly With You 4 4 2.00
38 Outreach Low Adult Hunter O/F 1047 EHS June 06.28.24 I'Ll Fly With You 4 6 2.00
36 Outreach Low Adult Hunter U/S 1047 EHS June 06.28.24 I'Ll Fly With You 6 6 0.50
Total Class Points 17.00
No: 38
Class: Low Adult 2'6 Hunter O/F
Show: 1046 EHS May 05.17.24
Horse: I'Ll Fly With You
Place: 6
Entries: 9
Points: 0.50  
No: 39
Class: Low Adult 2'6 Hunter O/F
Show: 1046 EHS May 05.17.24
Horse: I'Ll Fly With You
Place: 4
Entries: 9
Points: 2.00  
No: 29
Class: 2'6 Open Hunter O/F
Show: 1047 EHS June 06.28.24
Horse: I'Ll Fly With You
Place: 3
Entries: 4
Points: 4.00  
No: 39
Class: Outreach Low Adult Hunter O/F
Show: 1047 EHS June 06.28.24
Horse: I'Ll Fly With You
Place: 4
Entries: 6
Points: 2.00  
No: 27
Class: 2'6 Open Hunter U/S
Show: 1047 EHS June 06.28.24
Horse: I'Ll Fly With You
Place: 3
Entries: 4
Points: 4.00  
No: 28
Class: 2'6 Open Hunter O/F
Show: 1047 EHS June 06.28.24
Horse: I'Ll Fly With You
Place: 4
Entries: 4
Points: 2.00  
No: 38
Class: Outreach Low Adult Hunter O/F
Show: 1047 EHS June 06.28.24
Horse: I'Ll Fly With You
Place: 4
Entries: 6
Points: 2.00  
No: 36
Class: Outreach Low Adult Hunter U/S
Show: 1047 EHS June 06.28.24
Horse: I'Ll Fly With You
Place: 6
Entries: 6
Points: 0.50  
Total Class Points: 17.00

Outreach Equitation 2'6" - Zone 8

No. Class Show Horse Place Entries Points  
37 Low Adult 2'6 Equitation NTJ 1046 EHS May 05.17.24 I'Ll Fly With You 6 9 0.50
40 Low Adult 2'6 Equitation O/F 1046 EHS May 05.17.24 I'Ll Fly With You 2 9 6.00
40 Outreach Low Adult Equitation O/F 1047 EHS June 06.28.24 I'Ll Fly With You 2 6 6.00
41 Low Adult Medal 1047 EHS June 06.28.24 I'Ll Fly With You 5 6 1.00
37 Outreach Low Adult Equitation NTJ 1047 EHS June 06.28.24 I'Ll Fly With You 3 6 4.00
Total Class Points 17.50
No: 37
Class: Low Adult 2'6 Equitation NTJ
Show: 1046 EHS May 05.17.24
Horse: I'Ll Fly With You
Place: 6
Entries: 9
Points: 0.50  
No: 40
Class: Low Adult 2'6 Equitation O/F
Show: 1046 EHS May 05.17.24
Horse: I'Ll Fly With You
Place: 2
Entries: 9
Points: 6.00  
No: 40
Class: Outreach Low Adult Equitation O/F
Show: 1047 EHS June 06.28.24
Horse: I'Ll Fly With You
Place: 2
Entries: 6
Points: 6.00  
No: 41
Class: Low Adult Medal
Show: 1047 EHS June 06.28.24
Horse: I'Ll Fly With You
Place: 5
Entries: 6
Points: 1.00  
No: 37
Class: Outreach Low Adult Equitation NTJ
Show: 1047 EHS June 06.28.24
Horse: I'Ll Fly With You
Place: 3
Entries: 6
Points: 4.00  
Total Class Points: 17.50

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