Member: Madeline Ward        #6057722   Zone 1

2024 Outreach Season

Outreach Walk Trot Hunter - Zone 10

No. Class Show Horse Place Entries Points  
116 Walk Trot Pleasure Jr/Am any age 452 Brookside Splash 06.14.24 Bp's Gingersnap 2 5 6.00
117 Walk Trot Pleasure Jr/Am any age 452 Brookside Splash 06.14.24 Bp's Gingersnap 1 4 10.00
137 Poles on the Ground Hunters 452 Brookside Splash 06.14.24 Bp's Gingersnap 6 6 0.50
138 Poles on the Ground U/S (w/t) 452 Brookside Splash 06.14.24 Bp's Gingersnap 3 7 4.00
Total Class Points 20.50
No: 116
Class: Walk Trot Pleasure Jr/Am any age
Show: 452 Brookside Splash 06.14.24
Horse: Bp's Gingersnap
Place: 2
Entries: 5
Points: 6.00  
No: 117
Class: Walk Trot Pleasure Jr/Am any age
Show: 452 Brookside Splash 06.14.24
Horse: Bp's Gingersnap
Place: 1
Entries: 4
Points: 10.00  
No: 137
Class: Poles on the Ground Hunters
Show: 452 Brookside Splash 06.14.24
Horse: Bp's Gingersnap
Place: 6
Entries: 6
Points: 0.50  
No: 138
Class: Poles on the Ground U/S (w/t)
Show: 452 Brookside Splash 06.14.24
Horse: Bp's Gingersnap
Place: 3
Entries: 7
Points: 4.00  
Total Class Points: 20.50

Outreach Walk Trot Equitation - Zone 10

No. Class Show Horse Place Entries Points  
119 Walk Trot EQ Jr/Am any age 452 Brookside Splash 06.14.24 Bp's Gingersnap 2 5 6.00
120 Walk Trot EQ Jr/Am any age 452 Brookside Splash 06.14.24 Bp's Gingersnap 2 5 6.00
139 Poles on the Ground EQ 452 Brookside Splash 06.14.24 Bp's Gingersnap 7 8 0.00
141 Poles on the Ground Flat EQ (w/t) 452 Brookside Splash 06.14.24 Bp's Gingersnap 2 8 6.00
Total Class Points 18.00
No: 119
Class: Walk Trot EQ Jr/Am any age
Show: 452 Brookside Splash 06.14.24
Horse: Bp's Gingersnap
Place: 2
Entries: 5
Points: 6.00  
No: 120
Class: Walk Trot EQ Jr/Am any age
Show: 452 Brookside Splash 06.14.24
Horse: Bp's Gingersnap
Place: 2
Entries: 5
Points: 6.00  
No: 139
Class: Poles on the Ground EQ
Show: 452 Brookside Splash 06.14.24
Horse: Bp's Gingersnap
Place: 7
Entries: 8
Points: 0.00  
No: 141
Class: Poles on the Ground Flat EQ (w/t)
Show: 452 Brookside Splash 06.14.24
Horse: Bp's Gingersnap
Place: 2
Entries: 8
Points: 6.00  
Total Class Points: 18.00

Provided by OrgPro
