Member: Courtney Kinnersley        #6057092   Zone 8

2024 Outreach Season

Outreach Hunter 2' - Zone 8

No. Class Show Horse Place Entries Points  
15 Short Stirrup Hunter U/S 1046 EHS May 05.17.24 Fly Me To The Moon 5 6 1.00
17 Short Stirrup 2' Hunter O/F 1046 EHS May 05.17.24 Fly Me To The Moon 6 6 0.50
18 Short Stirrup 2' Hunter O/F 1046 EHS May 05.17.24 Fly Me To The Moon 4 6 2.00
Total Class Points 3.50
No: 15
Class: Short Stirrup Hunter U/S
Show: 1046 EHS May 05.17.24
Horse: Fly Me To The Moon
Place: 5
Entries: 6
Points: 1.00  
No: 17
Class: Short Stirrup 2' Hunter O/F
Show: 1046 EHS May 05.17.24
Horse: Fly Me To The Moon
Place: 6
Entries: 6
Points: 0.50  
No: 18
Class: Short Stirrup 2' Hunter O/F
Show: 1046 EHS May 05.17.24
Horse: Fly Me To The Moon
Place: 4
Entries: 6
Points: 2.00  
Total Class Points: 3.50

Outreach Hunter 2'3" - Zone 8

No. Class Show Horse Place Entries Points  
30 Low Child/Adult Hunter 2'3 342348 Four Reel Farm June 06.22.24 Fly Me To The Moon 3 11 4.00
4 Outreach Four Reel Hunter 2'3 342348 Four Reel Farm June 06.22.24 Fly Me To The Moon 6 11 0.50
Total Class Points 4.50
No: 30
Class: Low Child/Adult Hunter 2'3
Show: 342348 Four Reel Farm June 06.22.24
Horse: Fly Me To The Moon
Place: 3
Entries: 11
Points: 4.00  
No: 4
Class: Outreach Four Reel Hunter 2'3
Show: 342348 Four Reel Farm June 06.22.24
Horse: Fly Me To The Moon
Place: 6
Entries: 11
Points: 0.50  
Total Class Points: 4.50

Outreach Jumpers .65m - Zone 8

No. Class Show Horse Place Entries Points  
311 Stick Horse Jump and Run x-rail - .65m II: 342348 Four Reel Farm June 06.22.24 Fly Me To The Moon 3 21 4.00
Total Class Points 4.00
No: 311
Class: Stick Horse Jump and Run x-rail - .65m II:
Show: 342348 Four Reel Farm June 06.22.24
Horse: Fly Me To The Moon
Place: 3
Entries: 21
Points: 4.00  
Total Class Points: 4.00

Outreach Walk Trot Equitation - Zone 8

No. Class Show Horse Place Entries Points  
313 Bareback Equitation 12 & over 342348 Four Reel Farm June 06.22.24 Fly Me To The Moon 3 19 4.00
Total Class Points 4.00
No: 313
Class: Bareback Equitation 12 & over
Show: 342348 Four Reel Farm June 06.22.24
Horse: Fly Me To The Moon
Place: 3
Entries: 19
Points: 4.00  
Total Class Points: 4.00

Outreach Equitation 2' - Zone 8

No. Class Show Horse Place Entries Points  
19 Short Stirrup 2' Equitation O/F 1046 EHS May 05.17.24 Fly Me To The Moon 4 6 2.00
16 Short Stirrup Equitation NTJ 1046 EHS May 05.17.24 Fly Me To The Moon 3 7 4.00
Total Class Points 6.00
No: 19
Class: Short Stirrup 2' Equitation O/F
Show: 1046 EHS May 05.17.24
Horse: Fly Me To The Moon
Place: 4
Entries: 6
Points: 2.00  
No: 16
Class: Short Stirrup Equitation NTJ
Show: 1046 EHS May 05.17.24
Horse: Fly Me To The Moon
Place: 3
Entries: 7
Points: 4.00  
Total Class Points: 6.00

Outreach Equitation 2'3" - Zone 8

No. Class Show Horse Place Entries Points  
79 Rising Star Medal 2'0 or 2'3 342348 Four Reel Farm June 06.22.24 Fly Me To The Moon 5 16 1.00
80 Rising Star Medal 2'0 or 2'3 342348 Four Reel Farm June 06.22.24 Fly Me To The Moon 6 19 0.50
Total Class Points 1.50
No: 79
Class: Rising Star Medal 2'0 or 2'3
Show: 342348 Four Reel Farm June 06.22.24
Horse: Fly Me To The Moon
Place: 5
Entries: 16
Points: 1.00  
No: 80
Class: Rising Star Medal 2'0 or 2'3
Show: 342348 Four Reel Farm June 06.22.24
Horse: Fly Me To The Moon
Place: 6
Entries: 19
Points: 0.50  
Total Class Points: 1.50

Provided by OrgPro
