Member: Hazel Levinson        #6049680   Zone 1

2024 Outreach Season

Outreach Hunter 2' - Zone 10

No. Class Show Horse Place Entries Points  
830 OR Short Stirrup Hunters 17 & Under 2 343131 Giant Steps Charity Classic 07.31 Toast Of The Town 5 16 1.00
831 OR Short Stirrup Hunters 17 & Under 2 343131 Giant Steps Charity Classic 07.31 Toast Of The Town 1 16 10.00
133 OR Short Stirrup Hunter 343027 Silicon Valley Equestrian I 08.21 Toast Of The Town 6 14 0.50
136 OR Short Stirrup Hunter 343027 Silicon Valley Equestrian I 08.21 Toast Of The Town 6 13 0.50
136 OR Short Stirrup Hunter 343110 Silicon Valley Equestrain II 08.2 Toast Of The Town 6 9 0.50
135 OR Short Stirrup Hunter 343110 Silicon Valley Equestrain II 08.2 Toast Of The Town 4 9 2.00
134 OR Short Stirrup Hunter 343110 Silicon Valley Equestrain II 08.2 Toast Of The Town 6 11 0.50
133 OR Short Stirrup Hunter 343110 Silicon Valley Equestrain II 08.2 Toast Of The Town 7 11 0.00
Total Class Points 15.00
No: 830
Class: OR Short Stirrup Hunters 17 & Under 2
Show: 343131 Giant Steps Charity Classic 07.31
Horse: Toast Of The Town
Place: 5
Entries: 16
Points: 1.00  
No: 831
Class: OR Short Stirrup Hunters 17 & Under 2
Show: 343131 Giant Steps Charity Classic 07.31
Horse: Toast Of The Town
Place: 1
Entries: 16
Points: 10.00  
No: 133
Class: OR Short Stirrup Hunter
Show: 343027 Silicon Valley Equestrian I 08.21
Horse: Toast Of The Town
Place: 6
Entries: 14
Points: 0.50  
No: 136
Class: OR Short Stirrup Hunter
Show: 343027 Silicon Valley Equestrian I 08.21
Horse: Toast Of The Town
Place: 6
Entries: 13
Points: 0.50  
No: 136
Class: OR Short Stirrup Hunter
Show: 343110 Silicon Valley Equestrain II 08.2
Horse: Toast Of The Town
Place: 6
Entries: 9
Points: 0.50  
No: 135
Class: OR Short Stirrup Hunter
Show: 343110 Silicon Valley Equestrain II 08.2
Horse: Toast Of The Town
Place: 4
Entries: 9
Points: 2.00  
No: 134
Class: OR Short Stirrup Hunter
Show: 343110 Silicon Valley Equestrain II 08.2
Horse: Toast Of The Town
Place: 6
Entries: 11
Points: 0.50  
No: 133
Class: OR Short Stirrup Hunter
Show: 343110 Silicon Valley Equestrain II 08.2
Horse: Toast Of The Town
Place: 7
Entries: 11
Points: 0.00  
Total Class Points: 15.00

Outreach Hunter Derby - Zone 10

No. Class Show Horse Place Entries Points  
422 OR Local Hunter Derby 2 343027 Silicon Valley Equestrian I 08.21 Toast Of The Town 6 17 0.50
422 OR Local Hunter Derby 2 343110 Silicon Valley Equestrain II 08.2 Toast Of The Town 9 11 0.00
Total Class Points 0.50
No: 422
Class: OR Local Hunter Derby 2
Show: 343027 Silicon Valley Equestrian I 08.21
Horse: Toast Of The Town
Place: 6
Entries: 17
Points: 0.50  
No: 422
Class: OR Local Hunter Derby 2
Show: 343110 Silicon Valley Equestrain II 08.2
Horse: Toast Of The Town
Place: 9
Entries: 11
Points: 0.00  
Total Class Points: 0.50

Outreach Equitation 2' - Zone 10

No. Class Show Horse Place Entries Points  
840 OR Short Stirrup Equitation 17 & Under 2 343131 Giant Steps Charity Classic 07.31 Toast Of The Town 6 15 0.50
388 OR Short Stirrup Equitation O/F 343027 Silicon Valley Equestrian I 08.21 Toast Of The Town 6 12 0.50
389 OR Short Stirrup Equitation O/F 343027 Silicon Valley Equestrian I 08.21 Toast Of The Town 7 12 0.00
Total Class Points 1.00
No: 840
Class: OR Short Stirrup Equitation 17 & Under 2
Show: 343131 Giant Steps Charity Classic 07.31
Horse: Toast Of The Town
Place: 6
Entries: 15
Points: 0.50  
No: 388
Class: OR Short Stirrup Equitation O/F
Show: 343027 Silicon Valley Equestrian I 08.21
Horse: Toast Of The Town
Place: 6
Entries: 12
Points: 0.50  
No: 389
Class: OR Short Stirrup Equitation O/F
Show: 343027 Silicon Valley Equestrian I 08.21
Horse: Toast Of The Town
Place: 7
Entries: 12
Points: 0.00  
Total Class Points: 1.00

Provided by OrgPro
